This is a blog for anyone interested in telling others of their time in Haiti. It's meant more for us to share stories, and please make any comments you'd like in the box below the posts (no need to sign in). Contact Julian if you would like to post on the blog--we welcome anyone doing health-related work in northern Haiti.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Update from OXFAM

I met with Humpfry from OXFAM on Friday who gave me the following update of their work:

Areas they are working in:
Bas Limbe
Cap Haitien:
Petit Anse
Fort Saint Michel
Nan Banan
Cite de Peupe
Cite Lescot
Bas Ravine

They are providing WASH education through these areas throughout the communities.

Provide chorination to the regional reservoirs (through SNEP and MSPP).
Provide chlorination to private reservoirs (ie visiting water tankers) at Fort Saint Michel and Shada Provide aquatabs to the companies manning hand pumps
Mann wells to provide chlorination to buckets taken from well.

SNEP is a governmental organisation that OXFAM has been working with, but apparently SNEP has discontinued. Therefore any areas not assisted by OXFAM should contact Ferm from DINEPA directly on 34634760 (French and Creole).

He also explained that their emergency contingency is to provide aquatabs to an area/ water source. After about 1 month they look to replacing this with chlorination as a more sustainable method.

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