This is a blog for anyone interested in telling others of their time in Haiti. It's meant more for us to share stories, and please make any comments you'd like in the box below the posts (no need to sign in). Contact Julian if you would like to post on the blog--we welcome anyone doing health-related work in northern Haiti.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Update on Cholera Treatment Planning

Summary of today's events:

1. Meeting with Fiona Stephenson (RN, representing HHA); Dr. Toussaint (MD, HHA) and myself as representative from CHHN and affiliated physio of HHA.

// Discussion of implementation of how to deal with current caseload with reference to MSF and WHO guidelines.

2. Meeting with Fiona Stephenson and Helmi (MSF Co-ordinator) and myself


a)  Discussion of feasibility of using HHA site as CTC // MSF have resources, but no land secured.  Looking for land to accommodate >1000 patients in total, using as few sites as possible.  HHA have land in appropriate location.

b) Discussion of ability for MSF to provide resources to sites other than the 6 they are supporting currently. // Are happy to do this but do not have the resources currently - hopefully within the next few days.  They need list of sites currently requesting support so MSF can map them.

c) Discussion of human resources // because the North region is the last to be supported by MSF there are relatively fewer supplies and HR here.  Although more on the way it is important we recruit local staff to help at the sites, mainly as auxillary staff.  MSF have the capacity to provide wages.

3. Trip to HHA to gauge potential of opening as CTC


Enough land to accomodate at least 200 patients.  Will be useful if difficulty finding larger expanses of land.  Helmi and HHA to continue planning.

4. Visit to CTC in Quatier Morin with MSF


Currently 80 patients.  2 deaths today.  Supported by MSF - supplies brought in yesterday.  Staffed well, but needs to improve on cleaning techniques and use of IVs (overused).

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