This is a blog for anyone interested in telling others of their time in Haiti. It's meant more for us to share stories, and please make any comments you'd like in the box below the posts (no need to sign in). Contact Julian if you would like to post on the blog--we welcome anyone doing health-related work in northern Haiti.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Initial Visit to Organisation des Handicapes de Fourgerolle

Greg, Juline and I visited Organisation des Handicapes de Fourgerolle, in Fort Saint Michel this afternoon.  They provide a day centre once a week for 103 people with disabilities.  They have a volunteer physiotherapist (outreaching from Action Sanitaire) who visits to provide some therapy input.
Their vision is to extend the day centre to five days a week to provide people with disabilities with:
- Psychological and peer support and are keen on addressing the barriers of stigma with disabilities in the community
- Education to help with employment options
- Input from doctors and nurses
- Food during the day
With regards to cholera
They are NOT providing treatment for cholera and they are NOT a medical centre/clinic.  however, they are finding many of their 'patients' are coming to them for help with cholera symptoms as many taptap/taxi drivers will not take them to the CTCs.  The facility are therefore helping families with payment for transport to local CTC (currently gymnasium).
- Educated the whole team (6 staff) on WASH principles
- Emphasised importance of early treatment
- Informed them of the new ORP opening up in FSM (5 min drive away) (should be opening in 2-3 days) and showed them site
- Investigested together the new Oxfam/Konbite Sante WASH point 100m from their site - providing hand washing training, ORS (1 box daily at each point) and as from tomorrow treated water from communal tank. 

- Gave them the contact number of Action Sainitaire to link with their psych team
- Contacted Oxfam to ask them to provide further WASH training so they can provide it to their clients.
- Contacted CBM to consider applyication of funding for Day Centre Project

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