This is a blog for anyone interested in telling others of their time in Haiti. It's meant more for us to share stories, and please make any comments you'd like in the box below the posts (no need to sign in). Contact Julian if you would like to post on the blog--we welcome anyone doing health-related work in northern Haiti.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mama Baby Haiti visit

On March the 4th the team visited MamaBaby it's a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and well being of mothers and babies. They open ever since November and seen 100 pregnant ladies.They provide care 24/7 women come to the clinic weekly for prenatal care and children and families show up for needed healthcare, the women come from all over Cap-Haitien.They teach mothers and families about prenatal health and nutrition, hygiene, childbirth education,and breastfeeding their baby.They provide free prenatal, birth, postpartum, and paediatric care. They have 3 staff working there 1 haitien midwife, and 2 naturopathic doctors that come from the US. they have seen 35 ladies per months and had 2 births in the month of February referrals to Justinien Hospital which is the biggest hospital in Cap-Haitien and St francois des sales in Voderll for labour complications. Their needs are oxygen, vit K, prenatal vits,augmentin, and medika mumba for the children.

The team is helping them on linking them with medika mumba and the albendazole program. We going to get them a meet with Dr.Noisin.


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